Next are the longies that I have finished for Rohan. Now I just need some cooler weather to come before he toilet trains! There have been a few wees on the potty but honestly I think they were mostly fluke. He certainly isn't aware of any need to pee just yet.
Then, thanks to Sam for telling me that there was a wool sale on at Kmart there is the pile of uncommitted wool that I bought yesterday. I have no idea what any of it will become but it was so nice and so cheap...
Whilst at Kmart I also grabbed these Bonds items that I intend to applique sometime in the near future. In my mind the purple pants have flowers all up on leg and the blue pants have ships on them but we will see what takes me when I sit at the machine.
Lastly, my progress on the bolero top for me...
Oh..and if you are interested there are pictures of the last semi-custom that I made (would you believe that I forgot to take any) up on Nappycino. I am so pleased that it's new owner loved it enough to publish photos of it. It was quite humbling to be honest.
so do you live in some sort of twisted universe where there are several additional hours each day? Because I sure as hell don't know where you find the time to do all that stuff, plus your dance, plus the swimming, running etc etc etc. I need some of your energy!
Like those longies, you got your cooler weather ;)
Are you going to post some pics of your haul yesterday?
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