Sunday, November 14, 2010

Still Alive

Thought it might be best for me to at least flag my alivedness to the cyberworld by way of a quick post. There are no photos (I HOPE that I know who has my camera and that I will get it back tomorrow) and no knitting (see first point) and no new patterns (although one is ready to fire when I find the motivation.

I have to tell you all that I have been very low on motivation for the last little while. My brain goes so slowly and the day seems to go so quickly that I go to bed wondering where the day went. I have gotten some things done but not much. Hopefully some more medication (oh thank you great pharmacologists) and some resolution of some ongoing crap (although I am not that hopeful that this will happen) will see my improvement continue.

So in case you were wondering....

Yes....I am still alive
Yes....I have been doing some stuff that hopefully you will see soon
Yes....I do think about my blog and my followers and the fact that I have sadly neglected both
Yes....I am trying hard to get better.


  1. Good to know you're still around :D
    Thanks for the letting my know where to get the alum from. I bet it will be cheaper than the chemist. Have you done any natural dyeing?


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