Sunday, June 20, 2010


Cheerful even on the dullest day!

Some sneak previews of my new design....

Also coming in a straight unisex cardi as well. I am looking for a name and a few more test knitters (sizes 2-14). If you have any suggestions for a name pop on a comment. If you want to do a test knit drop me an email.


  1. They are both absolutely gorgeous. I would love to knit one in a size 12 or 14 for my daughter who would love to wear either of them!

  2. That top one would look great in Highlands Whisky ;)

    Ok, I might have seen something like that on Amber, and it looked fantastic. I'm afraid I'm going to have to make one for Jasmine, now!

  3. for some reason I though of calling it the lollipop twist. I don't know - you're jellybeans, that's a pink candy colour and there's twists all over it??!
    It's gorgeous. I have knitter's envy!

  4. Looks great Jacki - I have a size 4/5 ish and a 6/7 ish boys for testing on.

  5. the cable part looks really celtic to me... maybe the Arthur. Guinevere or Blarney?

  6. Bonjour,

    Je trouve la veste à capuche très jolie. On se croirait dans un conte.

    Pie Pelette from France


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