Saturday, February 14, 2009

Knitting Crack.

Kauni Effektgarn 8/2 (EQ colourway) that is. I swear this stuff is the knitting equivalent of crack. It is so addictive! If I have said "Just one more row" once I have said it a dozen times but then I look at the unravelling ball and see the next colour coming.

"Just until the colour change" she says menaing it full well at the time but I think you know what happens. Yep, then you see the next colour coming.

"I wonder what it looks like with the next colour added" she asks herself curiously and then proceeds to knit a whole other repeat.

There are at least a dozen other things that need to be done in this house but I just can't drag myslef away from the crack! Maybe I will just knit to the red.....


  1. wowee that looks amazing, and I know that gradient curse all too well..just until the next colour indeed... where did you buy it?

  2. OMG That is beautiful ! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

  3. I like your work I'm planning on up loading my knitting patterns. This is great.

  4. wow! just wow!
    yk, I have eyed that yarn off before and thought meh, overrated... I take it back!! I am loving it!!

  5. It came from Jolly Jumbuck Kat.

  6. oh yeah baby! I loves me the knitting crack!

  7. Oh I can see why its so addictive - beautiful!

  8. Looking great J, the colours look terrific in that pattern , mboro

  9. Beeeeeautiful!!!

    I have just started a new Noro project, and I have the gradient colour change going on at the moment too.

    Love your shawl - candle flames? Is that it?

  10. Hi. My name is Bec and I'm also a knitting crack addict! LOL - AAs for yarn addicts!!

    I used the Kuani EQ for my Northern Lights shawl and was exactly the same. It softens quite a bit with a good soak as well.

    Pattern looks fab - can't wait to see the end result!

  11. I love that yarn and how it really brings out the pattern!


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