Sunday, November 23, 2008

Love the Local Market!

I am a sucker for markets and the kid's school runs a great little craft market once a month. Today was a treat, oh what a haul.

50 gram balls of 100% wool 8ply for $2 a ball. So bright and cheerful. I have no plans at all for these but they just scream "fun kid's stuff".

Nearly 100g of (I am guessing) 5ply wool/silk hand-dyed for $10. I see a scarf in it's future.

And a huge bag of buttons for $5. Believe me when I tell you....

There is every colour of the rainbow in there.


  1. oh gosh I am envious. What a great find

  2. What great bounty! Oh, yes, I'm afraid you have just been tagged : )

  3. What a great haul!! I love markets/opshops... anywhere you can find a true bargain!

  4. Awesome score - I love Markets too :)


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