Sunday, February 24, 2008

Indulge me if you will in some sisterly bragging.

Some of you will know that my big brother, Tony, is an artist. Whilst he makes his bread and butter doing commercial graphic design at heart I think he would love to be making his bread and butter through more artistic pursuits.

This year he has put himself out on a limb and prepared and entered a piece for the Archibald Prize, the largest portraiture prize in Australia. I am so proud of him for committing himself to such a large and prestigious task. He is truly gifted and deserves to have his work seen by the larger art community.

Well yesterday there was a photograph in The Australian newspaper of some of the entries that had arrived in Sydney and shot us all down if Tony's wasn't amongst them!

For those of you don't know Tony by sight this is his work. It is (obviously) a self-portrait, a fact that I think makes the entering of the work all the more courageous. It is truly warts (not that he has any actual warts) and all and for those that love him just a little bit heart-wrenching to look at. The picture doesn't give a true indication of the size of the work. It stands about 7' high!

I know that Tony reads my blog most of the time, so he needs to know now that I am immensely proud of him and would like to apply to be head of the cheer squad! Love you T!


  1. that is awesome! It looks like a photo it is so defined. Good luck to your brother and bravo to him too!

  2. I agree with Kelli, it so looks like a photo.... very impressive:) Good luck.

  3. That is impressive. What a fabulous and unexpected surprise to see his portrait in The Australian.


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