Monday, January 28, 2008

And another holiday comes to an end...

What is it about January that makes it go so quickly? I have been on holidays for 5 weeks and it seems like a minute. I have to confess that the end of December always seems to disappear in a whirl, what with Christmas and New Year and all the social activities centered around both.

But January should be different. It is full of lazy, hot summer's days when you just bum around the house doing very little indeed. It should feel like it takes an eternity but here I am again lamenting it's end.

It wasn't a complete waste though. I got a fair bit of knitting done and finally managed to churn out some sewing. I must say I am particularly pleased with the design of the 1-2-Go bags. Possibly my best accomplishment of the holidays. I also did a lot of decluttering and general tidying up - of course not quite as much as I wanted to but at least a fair bit was done.

On the knitting front I am up to here:

on my Montego bay scarf. I guess I am about a quarter to a third of the way through the second skein and it is just divine. The colours are very hard to catch with the camera but it is so vibrant and alive. The yarn is Lorna's Laces Sock Sport (rainbow colourway) and I am so glad I chose to do this project rather than socks. There are a few patterns that might do this yarn justice but most I have seen flash most alarmingly! I can hardly wait to finish this, block it and show it off.

So anyway, tomorrow it is back to the chalkface - years 10 and 12 psychology and years 8 and 9 science - and for the first year I am not as full of enthusiasm as usual. Politics, it is the ruination of good education. I think I have also missed my annual Officeworks trip with Beth given that she is still OS. I am sure I will get into the swing soon enough. The kids will cheer me up and as always I will enjoy my time with them. The rest of it? We'll see....


  1. Your scarf looks fantastic. Good luck with the return to work.

  2. Ah, DH was also lamenting the return to work today. I'm glad I don't have to join him, some more time off for me this year LOL Hope the first day back with the kids goes well tomorrow, Jacki.


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