Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Name is Jacki and I have a problem

Inspired by the Woolaholics chocolate swap, I decided to dye yet more wool! Dyeing is such fun and now that I have sort of worked out how to do it better I am so pleased with the results that I am getting. This is food dye again and I am so happy with the way that the brown came out, even though I think next time I will add a smidge of black to the mix. The bluey-green is nice too (or at least I think it is).

Anyways, I cetainly have more than enough yarn here right now so I have sent this one off with some delicious looking handmade chocies and organic, free-trade coffee to someone else. Hopefully they like it and find some use for it.


  1. oh yummy Jacki!!! Makes me think of peppermint chocolate and mint slices....delicious!
    Great job :)

  2. That's gorgeous Jacki!!! Beautiful colours, and April is right, definitely thinking mint slices ~ yummo!!


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