In hindsight the hideous undoing of my headscarf has been a blessing in disguise. It corresponded with my order arriving from NZ Wool Company and allowed me to start knitting Rohan's longies without guilt. I know that I can have more than one project on the go at once but I have a nasty habit of never coming back to stuff. Just ask Jason - he is still waiting for his cricket sweater. I am waiting for him to retire....
So here is the progress on my longies. I am loving the colourway. So much so that I have ordered more and intend to make Bevan (and ipso facto, in time Duncan then Rohan by process of hand me down) a jumper. This is my first attempt at an enclosed waist band and it isn't too bad. A bit crooked in places but only by a stitch. Now I just have to resist the temptation to revert to shorties and have them finished sooner.
Sewing you ask? Maybe next weekend. I feel the need for a Wee Wooly for myself and I might get a knitting bag finished for someone else. To be honest I am framing up some alterations to my design that I am dying to try out!
you know that you could make them shorties for now, and then add some length in a couple of months when longies are really required....